Monday, March 6, 2017

Review Week: Week 8 Reflections

So far, I've been content with the reading options I've chosen so far. Sita Sings the Blues was a fun take on the Ramayana, bursting with visual creativity especially, and while the Narayan option was nice for the Ramayana, I found the links in the PDE Mahabharata pretty amazing. I'm really looking forward to the free reading options later in the semester: after some Karna-based reading recommendations from Laura, I'm excited to read Karna: The Unsung Hero of the Mahabharata, The Missing Queen, and The Palace of Illusions. That'll probably take up the main chunk of my time, though I'd also love to read some Indian folktales, because those are almost always my favourite.

As for the writing component of the class, I hate how many weeks I've fallen back on the "story planning" option, but I really am pleased with choosing a portfolio instead of a storybook. As much as I loved how much writing the storybook felt like overseeing a TV show last semester--each episode its own thing, but also tying in to the "season-long" arc in some way so they all dovetailed into the finale that the introduction promised--it was quite a bit of work, and I just didn't have time to do something like that this semester (heck, I haven't even finished the finale of my storybook for last semester). Going the portfolio route has worked well for my schedule this time around, since instead of spending just as much time on my weekly stories and my storybook installments, the work I put into my weekly stories is put towards my portfolio as well. It's also kind of nice having plenty of variety, and getting more expose for the weekly stories, which otherwise wouldn't see much light of day.

Just like last semester, I enjoy the weekly commenting so much more than I would've expected to. It's so interesting seeing how the same source material can end up becoming so many different things once different people start approaching it, and how sometimes you can see the interests mentioned in people's intro posts end up influencing what they do in their stories.

Image Credit: Water Drop Splash by Janeke88. Source: Pixabay.

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