Thursday, March 23, 2017

Week 9: Story Planning (Pre-Portfolio Story)

I'm going to do a story this week regardless, because I'll need something new for my portfolio. But I've got a few options I'm weighing, so I figured I'd plan the story out here, take a little longer deciding between them, and then write the story tonight or tomorrow. That way people in my weekly comment group will have something a little more substantial to comment on than a planning post, too.

For my next portfolio story, I've been batting around an idea of a young war god, but it hasn't quite come together yet. And in my reading this week, I came across a couple of other options that might work out instead:

The first comes from “The Birth of Draupadi,” where a little after Draupadi was born to her father from fire and sacrifice, it was predicted that she would be “the cause of the destruction” of many warriors. Of course, that ended up being because people fought and died to be her husband, which is a little bit anticlimactic, not to mention stupid of the suitors. But I love the idea of this daughter being born of vengeance and flames and then becoming Daddy’s Little Enforcer, the dark, crackling shadow of a girl who goes around taking out enemies of the kingdom or anyone else her dad sends her after.

I was also intrigued by something in “Karna Becomes King": the fact that “surprisingly, it was Duryodha who came forward and gave Karna a chance.” Yes, he was giving him a chance against his own cousins, so it benefitted D—but throughout the rest of the story, he and Karna are actually good friends to each other, and treat each other with care and loyalty. More loyalty than the “good guys” ever show each other, in a way. Thick as thieves, I guess, but I like that aspect of the villains being more loyal and tightly-knit than the heroes. Anyways, I’m always down for a story involving antiheroes or criminals or petty crime. I've also been tossing around an idea involving teenage grave robbers and a tiny magical/cursed-artifact empire, and that could work well with this: the MC and her best friend sticking together even when business as usual becomes decidedly unusual, and everything starts going very south.

Finally, there was a story called “Wax Palace Conspiracy.” I didn't find the tale itself all that interesting, but dang, that title. That title deserves to be spun off into its own story. I’m feeling horror, maybe with a little bit of supernatural/fantasy, but we’ll see.

Anyways, this is what I've been tossing around this week. Once I settle on one and get it written, I'll link back to it or something.

Bibliography: Epified: The Mahabharata, by Epified TV. Source: YouTube.

Image Credit: Man with a Shovel, by tpsdave. Source: Pixabay.


  1. Wow these seem like some great story ideas! You have some really creative thoughts about all of the reading materials and I think any of these ideas would make a fantastic story. I kind of like your first prompt the best I think because Draupadi is an intriguing character to begin with and I think you could do a lot of things to twist her story into something new!

  2. Jenna, I think your view of the story of the birth of Draupadi is so great. I hadn’t really thought much about the fact that she was born of vengeance and flames but I think it’s a really interesting perspective and I think it was make a cool story. There is also so much you could do with the “Wax Palace Conspiracy” story! What a funny title with so much room for creativity. Looking forward to see what you end up deciding!

  3. Jenna, I think that the story that you are looking to create is going to be great. I think that you are on a good path to creating a story that will be very interesting and easy to follow along because of how intriguing that it will be. I would like to see the first prompt created, because I like the idea behind using a story with Draupadi, beacuse I think her character is great. Good luck!

  4. I think all of the ideas you listed would prove to be very interesting stories. I like that you are thinking about writing a story with gods. I always found those to be really cool and action packed. Also, they have really exciting plots full of twists. Hopefully yours turns out to have some exciting battle scenes! I will be looking out for it!

  5. Jenna, I like your ideas for the possible stories and just from reading your introduction, I know that whatever way you go, it will be great! Ypu are correct though - the title "Wax Palace Conspiracy" does sound really interesting and I think that you can really get creative with that story. I look forward to reading you story and good luck!

  6. Hey Jenna! All of these sound like great potential story plots. You could even use aspects from all three and combine them to make one story. I like the idea of the Draupadi plot but agree with you on the anticlimactic part. I think the wax castle sounds super cool, Ive never heard of it and I feel like it would leave alot of room for imagination.

  7. Hi Jenna! The "Karna Becomes King" is actually interesting. That was quite unexpected for Karna and Duryodha being good friends with each other. I know that you like Karna a lot and so do I, so I clicked on this link faster than ever. I also have a thing for antihero characters as well. There is something about them that always provoke me to give them some justices writing story of my own. This planning is great and I am really looking forward to read the story you would come up with.

  8. Ok, if I had to choose something, I always love the supernatural/fantasy stuff: however, the thieves being the good guys might be fun. Telling it from their perspective and convincing the reader that good guys do bad things when subjected to strange circumstances. If you hit a dry spell, you could always bring your developing Draupadi enforcer character in for a cameo appearance and then write the other story next week to tie them together.
