Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Introduction to a Story Hoarder

So. The name’s Jenna.

I write young adult speculative fiction, obsess over all things superhero (the X-Men will always be the best, even if they wound up with the cinematic short stick), and lament the deaths of my favorite characters. My entire material bucket list consists of a 1967 Chevy Impala, and if a word exists, there’s a 97% chance I’ve mispronounced it at least twice.

I’m a Professional Writing major and a Film & Media Studies minor—which is fitting, I guess, since for as long as I can remember, stories have been the fiery star my life revolves around.

My current project is a young adult crime novel with a fantasy bent, centered around a group of brothers raised as living weapons for a blood-magic crime syndicate. When their estranged dad turns up dead, the boys come together again to solve and avenge his murder. But after his own years embroiled in the crime outfits, Dad had a lot of enemies who could’ve wanted him dead—and now that he’s gone, those enemies have taken a renewed interest in his sons.

I’ve still got a ways to go before it’s finished, but I’m having quite a bit of fun with it so far; the plan is to finish it up and submit it to literary agents, then publishers. Fun fact? This project is actually based on a weekly story I did for the Mythology and Folklore class last semester. So I’m definitely a fan of these courses, and I’m looking forward to what this semester brings.

I also like to read YA fiction, which is what led me to writing it in the first place. The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater, along with Holly Black’s The Curse Workers trilogy, are my favorite series of all time; I also read The Demon’s Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan over the break, and it’s been added to the best-ever list. My favorite movies include Fight Club, The Man from U.N.C.L.E., What We Do in the Shadows, and Stand By Me. If you’ve got any recommendations—books, movies, TV, whatever—definitely bring them on.

Image Credit: Shadow of Pedestrian Walking at Night, by StockSnap. Source: Pixabay.



  1. Hi Jenna!

    Your introduction was very nice! I am so jealous of your ability to write. It is such a talent! I can tell that I am going to like your blog posts due to your ability and knowledge on writing. I think that it is really cool that you are writing your own book and getting it out to agents then to publishers! That is crazy! I can tell just from this post that you really love what you are doing currently in your life, writing that is, and I can't wait to see where you go from here!

    I'm looking forward to reading your blogs for the remainder of the semester!


  2. It is so cool that you are a writer. I honestly have such a hard time writing but I think it's neat to hear about writers. Also, the brief synopsis of the novel you are working on sounds awesome and it's something that I would 100% read. The Man from U.N.C.L.E. is actually one of my favorite movies and I actually cannot count how many times I have seen that movie. But really though, I'm excited to read your blogs this semester because I think they're going to be great.

  3. How cool is it that you are a writer! I always felt I lacked a creative mind. I think your story sounds awesome! I would read it if I got the chance. I look forward to reading your short stories for this class! I can not say I have not heard of any of the series you mentioned, but I don't doubt that they are great!

  4. Nice to meet you Jenna! I am happy to see that you have a passion for storytelling so this class seems to be perfect for you! I can't wait to see some of the stories you're able to come up with as the semester progresses. I am mainly taking this class for the upper division credit but I really hope I learn some valuable storytelling techniques. Maybe I'll even be able to get a few pointers from reading your stories!

  5. Jenna it is so nice to meet you. The humor and sentence syntax of your writing keeps the reader super involved and intrigued by your writing. I can explicitly see the passion you have for what you do. I'm into YA fiction as well. Maybe, one day, your fellow classmates will have the chance to analyze and read on of your works. How long does it usually take for you to write a novel?

  6. Hey Jenna, it is nice to meet you. I can tell just from the introduction post that you have a unique writing style and I like it. I think it is super impressive that you are writing your own book. Not many people can say that! It sounds very interesting so I may have to look into it whenever it is finished! Best of luck!

  7. Nice to meet you Jenna!
    It is awesome that you enjoy writing. I am an engineering major and it is always one of the things that I struggle with the most. I am excited to go read your story planning or story that you produced for week 4. I wish you the best of luck on your novel and this semester!

  8. Hi Jenna! I absolutely loved reading your introduction post for this course! Your life seems so interesting and you seem to be filled with ideas, which is to inspiring! I wish I was good at writing but I'm not good enough to write novels, that takes a very special talent! My major is Public Relations so I also get to spend a lot of time in one of the most beautiful buildings on campus! I look forward to reading your stories because they sound like they will be pretty creative!

  9. Hey Jenna - good to meet you! Just like Maddie ^ I am also a Public Relations major. Gaylord is so special and beautiful... Love it! Within minutes of reading your introduction, I knew that you had a way with words. It's enchanting! I can't wait to read more of your blog to see how you make these stories come to life!

  10. Hi, Jenna! I think it’s amazing that you’re a writer (I’ve always wanted to write a novel, but I’ve never that much creativity or motivation to develop a story all the way through). Your current project sounds pretty cool, and I can’t wait for it to be published!! I love the fantasy twist you put on it, and it’s also pretty cool that you got the interest from the Myth & Folklore class. I hope you finish strong, and I hope it’s a #1 seller across the world!

  11. Hi Jenna, it is nice to meet you! I think it is awesome that you love what you are doing. I have never been a good writer so it is extremely impressive to me that people can make a career out of it. I am more of a science oriented individual myself. I study the body and how exercise effects us. I love what I am doing too but our fields are completely different. I wish the best of luck to you this semester and I look forward to reading your stories.

  12. Jenna, it is great to meet you. The project that you are working on sounds so awesome. I love crime films, and so I think that it would be an awesome story that you would kill at. I can see that you will probably have many great stories on here because you write for a major. I am looking forward to reading many of your stories and getting into the action that you have waiting. Good luck with your stories and with your major, they are going to be great.

  13. Hi Jenna, I am glad to meet you. I can already tell im going to enjoy reading some of your projects this week. I can appreciate your passion for stories just a little bit better after starting this class. I always enjoyed a good story in the past. Now, I see that they are more important than I thought.

  14. Jenna, you are the first person I've met in this class that is a writer! I'm going to have high expectations for your stories now (haha). That is so cool that you could possibly be a published writer and it's crazy that the inspiration came from a story you wrote for this class! That is so awesome that this class has had a big impact in your life. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Hello Jenna! I am just dropping by to say hi after seeing your comment under one my story (and wow! Thank you so much for commenting). It is so cool that you are a writer and I really like your introduction. I love X-men as well and was so addicted to that cartoon they have on Cartoon Network way back. Your novels sounds very awesome and original! I wish you luck in getting it publish one day and if I have a chance, I would definitely check it out!

  16. You are probably the coolest person I have ever met/ not actually met. I think it is awesome you have all these writing goals and dreams. I honestly believe you will accomplish all of them because of how talented you are. The creativity you have is a gift truly. I believe you are going to go far with your writing and I hope to see your name on the big screen some day. Dream big and keep dreaming and you will go far.

  17. Nice to meet you! It sounds like you are a very serious writer! Your writing style seems very polished and I am looking forward to reading some of your stories. It is so cool that you are trying to write a book and it is really crazy that you started it out on you blog for school! I hope you are successful in publishing it one day!

  18. Hi Jenna, that is so cool that you write so much! I have always been a really weak writer and have so much respect for people who have the passion and skill for it. While I don’t read a ton, my favorite genres to read are crime novels so the one you’re writing sounds so interesting! That’s also really cool that you were able to apply what you did a Myth and Folklore. Nice to meet you!

  19. Hello! It is awesome that you are a writer. I guess this class is perfect for you then right? I had always thought writing was an amazing talent to have. I have always struggled with it and consider it a gift. X-Men is pretty sweet, but poor Wolverine. It will never be the same! Good luck with the rest of your semester!

  20. Jenna, first off - congratulations on this big accomplishment of writing your own novel and by the sounds of it, there will be many more! What / who is your inspiration for writing and reading? Or is it just because you had a love for books from a young age? What is your go-to book to read? And I have to ask - what is YA fiction? :)

  21. Jenna,
    You have intrigued me with your introduction. I definitely want to read more of your posts, specifically your stores and takes on the Indian epic stores. I plan on reading a lot of your posts and when your novel is complete, I will plan to read that also. I can already tell I will enjoy your style of writing and story telling.

  22. I am not sure if you are much of a gamer, but there are a lot of horror/fantasy/ thriller games out there that I foresee you enjoying. Things like Layers of fear and Murder Soul Suspect are great story driven games that deal will murder, and the horror of the human mind. Definitely check them out.

  23. Hey Jenna! So cool that you are a writer, I am excited to read your story after this. The story you are working on sounds so cool. I would love to read it when it is finished. X men is also one of my favorite superhero groups, have you seen the new wolverine movie? It looks pretty good. Nice to meet you!
