Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Tech Tip: Canvas Calendar

By this point in the semester, I've just about accepted that I don't have time to do the weekly stories anymore. I'm not thrilled about that—the weekly stories were my favorite part about the Mythology & Folklore class last semester, and a big part of why that was my favorite class I'd ever taken, so I was looking forward to more of the same this semester. But I've had a lot more classwork than I'd expected, and I'm also working on two novels at the same time (one for class, and one I'm planning to pursue publication for); considering the fact that each Wednesday story usually takes me about 4 hours, it doesn't make much sense to prioritize that over other assignments when I can use the extra-credit options to make up for the weekly stories.

Because of that, at least until something in my workload changes, I'm reconfiguring my weekly schedule for this class. Since I'm replacing a Wednesday assignment (and the Sunday portfolio assignment) with extra credit options with no specific due dates, I can work on those in advance instead, freeing up the later half of the week for other homework and writing deadlines.

Right now, the new plan is to finish a Tech Tip, an extra batch of commenting, and a Wikipedia Trails post on Mondays, when I've got a break between classes. Then on Wednesdays, I can do an extra reading assignment during another break. I hadn't thought about putting this revamped schedule to a calendar till I saw the Canvas tech tip option, and now that the tutorial video has taught me how, I'm adding those weekly adjustments to my personal calendar.

Image Credit: Calendar, by webandi. Source: Pixabay.

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